D.C. Silent Awe (with the exception of about a million tourists).





Three photos of the monuments built for three great men.

Washington, Lincoln, Martin Luther King.

This was my first time in Washington. It will not be my last if I can help it.

I have heard all the horror stories of  ‘Oh, D.C. ….yeah done that, lots of walking and no place to park….it’s OK if you like that history stuff I guess.”

Anybody that visits this city and does not take time to admire and reflect has lost an opportunity.

I will leave you with three photos and at the risk of becoming another photo or travel blog (nothing wrong with that by the way) and alienating my 5 or 6 dedicated readers, I will just admit to a brief vacation that we all need from time to time. Plus—-I really, really, really like taking photos.



12 thoughts on “D.C. Silent Awe (with the exception of about a million tourists).

  1. DC is a great place. Yes, it is touristy, but only because of the tourists! it’s not artificial and counterfeit simulations like all those Disneyfied places. DC has history, real stuff worth seeing. it is expensive and confusing—nothing like NYC though—when you add in the transportation (parking or metro) and uniformly good if you avoid chains food. But all that is part of the ‘reality’ of it all. That said, me being a wimp, I’d not do it without a local guide, though.
    And thanks for the likes

    1. Thanks for dropping by and I loved DC, plan to go back- I also started using photoshop with my cartoons as per your suggestion and may get brave enough to feature some on my site real soon.

  2. I have fond memories of CD even though I was still very young when I went there last. Especially the subway left a great impression, which also added that there have never been any troubles finding a place to park the car.

    Great pictures, too!
    Brings back memories.

    1. Thanks Rich, I did start a relationship with a city that should not be just a one time deal….she deserves more than that and there is so much to discover.

  3. Thanks for this post. I live 30 minutes outside of DC. The city seems to get a bad rep due to way people regard politicians, but it also has kind people, good restaurants, and lots of great cultural events/venues in addition to its beautiful monuments and museums. Does the city have problems? Of course, but there are also good things to be found there.

    1. My family had the best time…we stayed in Alexandria, Old Town and took the Metro everywhere…can’t wait to go back! The charm and friendliness of the people surprised me in the best way.

  4. I love your three photos, COF. I lived in the D.C. area for six years, and always liked showing off the city when friends came to visit from other areas of the country. It’s a cool place if you keep your eyes and mind open, like you did!

    1. Thanks Mark, it exceeded expectations on all levels. The friendly nature of all the people we met threw me…it has a small town feel with world class amenities. There is no way that could have been just good fortune.

All replies welcome (be nice)