
This is me trying to be a Rock Star.
This is me today.

I am just a regular guy (husband, father, dude with a job) living in upstate N.Y. who writes about music. Music holds my blog like a leaky bucket and it tends to spill over to include rants, photos and other stuff.

My inspiration comes from ancient cave paintings.

Stone-age people made marks to show us what they cared about … that need to express ourselves makes us all connected.

Even in this digital-age

Update: My wife has  passed on – December 1st 2015 – after a very brave battle with kidney cancer – Many of my posts from 2014 and 2015 reflect her struggle, and in turn the struggle of the entire family to keep joy and love intact while we faced this together.

100 thoughts on “About

  1. Good Afternoon Wayne, and thank you for looking into Agnellusmirror and liking what you saw there. May you be given the strength to guide your family over the coming months, and to know who can help you without intruding. WT.

    1. Thank you – it is a process, I get better and better then get knocked back – but we seem to be heading the right direction now – just started venturing out into the blogworld again – full of great folks like yourself.

  2. Hi Wayne – nice to e-meet when you dropped by my blog and now I’ve come to visit. You have a nie about page and a great turn of phrase 🙂

    1. Thanks much! And drop by any time. 🙂 Blogging only works if you go out for a walk around the neighborhood – I need to get out more and see all these great blogs and great people !

    1. Thank you Mark – And “Let’s go Mets” – I know it is just a bunch of washed up old guys in the Bronx that you are playing – but please get one tonight for us loyal suffering fans!

      1. I know, right, Wayne? I’ve been a Mets fan as long as there’s been the Mets. I was born in ’57 in Brooklyn and the Mets were born in ’62 in the Polo Grounds. The rest is history.

      2. You got me there – We moved here from England in 1973 with the only instruction being that we hate the Yankees (that was not hard to do, and still isn’t :)) —- my love for the Mets really started big time when “Doc” started pitching – I still have my Dwight Gooden glove and loved to pitch as a kid – all pick-up games—-something that never happens now.

      3. Kids these days need it all to be organized. You got that right, Wayne. You got good instructions on team allegiance when you arrived from England in 1973, my friend. 🙂 And Doc was a great one to admire on the mound in the ’80s. Good move saving that mitt, Wayne.

  3. Take me to the Church- say whaaaaaat agree 100% with you on this song! My brother and I heard it at the same time and went Huh?! What is this crap! Period… Happy February! Getting much snow your way? From sunny Florida, Cheryl.

    1. Totally cool- when I get all rebooted here at the cave I am going to try an invite thing—maybe a little three song playlist from other bloggers on the same theme—-right now it may be Christmas songs—I will invite you then and no pressure either way. 🙂

    1. Thank you very much!- I try to write about the passion in music and leave the nuts and bolts to other blogs—having people visit and join me is just the icing on the cake- so welcome and great to meet you. :).

  4. Hi there Wayne,
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the blogosphere and for the follow. Your support is greatly appreciated, I look forward to seeing more from you,
    Have a great day 🙂

    1. I love ruins and photography along with genuine bloggers that just tell it like they see it. Thanks and wish you the best from the cave!

  5. Hi there. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Although I was defined by the music of the 60’s and 70’s (FM music, underground, heavy, whatever you want to call it) I have appreciated great music wherever I have found it. You would think my daughter would have been influenced by what she heard growing up (and was in a weird way) but ended up flying in a completely different direction. She just put out her fourth CD, if you’d like to sample something new and in a musical genre. It took me a while to get into, but now I love it! (www.LaylaAngulo.com is her site). Music rules!

    1. I like the “free table” concept…people leave stuff free for other people if they want it…like blogging- no pressure…all this give and take makes the world go round. 🙂

  6. Thanks for liking my post. I am a trained musician, trained in classical, but I listen to a wide variety from gregorian chant to bluegrass to Mozart, and back. I especially liked your post about k. d lang. I love her voice and her passion in singing. I’ve always wondered why she and Wayne Newton didn’t get together for a duet. They look and sound alike. Anyway, I think I will follow your blog and see where you go with it.

    1. I guess they do look alike-it would be a fun show to see them in Vegas—-what a strange beautiful dichotomy of artists that would be….thanks for visiting and we will both see where I go 🙂

  7. Quite an interesting blog you have here. I must admit, I am a lover of the blues. Not new era but in the days of Dean Martin. I am however, interested in taking a gander or two around your blog. Perhaps I will come across something that sings to me. Thank you for stopping by my blog as well. Your words were kind and warming to a newcomer. Have a fantastic weekend Wayne.

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post about the Olympics on NBC,

    I’m intrigued by your blog and will be checking out more of your posts.

  9. Thanks for “liking” my first official blog post! It is deeply appreciated. Your blog seems to be right up my alley as well. I can’t wait to delve deeper into the cave – jam on…

  10. Thanks for taking the time to Like one of my posts over on artcalling.
    I like both your incarnations by the way (referring to photos above), every dude with a job should have a hidden Rock star lurking within.

    When I saw the post about Lake George, it rang distant bells. I went to Syracuse in the Fine arts dept. for the first 2 years of college. It brought back memories. I liked upstate NY. cheers,

  11. Love the metaphor, great idea! As a fan of modern rock I really should spend some time listening to more of what’s been in the past. I look forward to the education! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, much appreciated.

  12. I have been enjoying the sentiments you have shared on your blog. As we approach mid-life the music of our youth becomes so nostalgic and takes us right back to where we have been. Great blog. Thanks for visiting the cooking artist!

    1. Thanks for reading…and I totally agree- That wave of nostalgia can rush you back in time and space. If you have read a few posts you know I have this love/hate thing with it.

  13. I’m pleased to meet you. I haven’t been in Upstate NY in 43 years, is it still as beautiful as I remember? I used to spend quite a bit of time up there and loved it.

      1. I was thinking more in the line of the small quaint towns. I had an idea that the mountains might still be hanging around.

    1. Thanks,

      When I started this I thought rock music might be on the way out, but I am finding that a few passionate voices poking around in the embers can make a huge difference. There is still a fire burning.

  14. Thank you for your Likes of my various posts. You’d be amazed how much support I get from seeing that little icon even though we’ve never “met.”

    Happy rock n roll! >:-D

    1. Glad I can help…I like to get out of the cave and make the rounds around the blogging world…there are so many good websites including yours, always thoughtful posts!

  15. Thanks for visiting my humble blog. I’ve had a nose around your posts and like your writing style. Be assured that I will return to read some more.

    1. Thanks Shaun…glad for the recognition once again! It may take me a little while to put it together since I am in the middle of trying to change my blog from good to great! Maybe I should just go for more- good because great is tough to hit…anyway, thanks again!

      1. If you are happy with it, then it is great..That for me, is blogging. We ain’t writers 99% of us, we do it for fun, or serious fun. So if you enjoy it and like it, it is perfect…

        But I always strive for better…Wells said

      2. You’re right about that, most of us are not writers but all of us get better at it the longer we stay here. The changes I want to make is more in line with getting the pages cleaner and more organized…so the cave is a bit more enjoyable.

      3. Yeah I will agree 100% Wayne.
        Always aspire to be better, well said..

        My cave, grade it out of 10..Please, then I will grade your Cave..So we know our “Cave Gradings” 🙂
        For fun… lol

  16. Mary and me (Timothy) thank you Wayne for liking our latest post “Don’t you do it”. I read your list of bands of the alphabet (good and bad) and loved it. Keep in touch and keep up the good work. BTR

  17. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I apologise that it has taken a while to return to yours. You have some wonderful information here and I will be reading with interest!

    1. Shaun,

      I am honored to receive this and will do my best to complete all the requirements so I can feature it on my site. I have been at this blog about 7 months now and the feedback from everyone has been more than I expected…I received your award only days after getting nominated for my first award from somewhere else. I do look at this blogosphere as a big community, so expect to see both these featured on the cave real soon(along with me checking more blogs and spreading the joy around and around).

      Thanks Wayne

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