“Naked” site active.


New “naked” incognito site is active.

I know there are two moons in this illustration from my notebook…. so my question to you … Mr. or Ms. typical blogging friend.

Do you want to see my naked thoughts?

I will be brutally honest and tell you: this is not an enticing web address.

This is bare-brutal-raw stuff that oozes from my mind as I deal with the grieving and transition process from losing my soul mate.

I need to get it out — and it is not pretty.  It may not even be that good.

I was hoping for 70% self-wallowing drivel mixed with 30% humor and philosophy.

I thought that was a low enough barrier to hit.

I am running about 95/5 now – so this thing is not road ready.


The idea is an outlet site for the intense personal stuff – so that the cave can get back to being the cave.

Full of fun, photos, art, and music along with the witty banter you all have come to know and love.

I like that guy too! In fact, I am that guy! I need to let that guy live and breathe and dance again.

Right now I am both guys at once.

And I don’t think it is fair to you, my web friends, to slog over the same ground – just plowing and re-plowing – with no planting and no reaping anywhere on the horizon.  Grief is like that.

The new site is tucked away in a dark corner on WordPress – I am not going to add a link here.

If you are smart and know me — you can probably find it — but then again, maybe not. (there are a crap load of web sites out here folks!)

Some of the posts will be password protected because of sensitivity (at least right now). This is ground that I am not willing to let a casual passerby waltz in the door and see.

An example of what I mean  — The Groundhog Day post is Cave material — Walking on Ice is best on the new site and would not need a password.

My giant big picture hope is that the new site can be polished into something that will help others going through similar loss. Because I think it is needed— All —  I mean all grief sites are heavy religious behemoths that always make you feel worse. That is a friggin’ crime and injustice to humanity!!!

So if you are brave enough to splash in this water with me —Please email me from the gmail address on this page and I will send you the link.

Thank you my friends (and I did use a cartoon double for my butt shot, I mean,… hey!, I got a reputation to preserve….right?)

Cheers from the Cave!